Sex & Intimacy

Sex Matters In A Healthy Relationship

October 24, 20243 min read

Table of Contents:

Sex/Intimacy: Essential in Healthy Relationships

Sexual activity is similar to exercise. The more you do it, the more you want to do it! I find it interesting how sex evolves in relationships. For example, at the beginning of a relationship, when everything is new and good, sex is at its peak. It is exciting and unique. You are learning about each other, and both partners present their best selves.

Often times as the relationship progresses and both people start to relax, the sex begins to naturally die down and is not as frequent.

Now, I realize that there are exceptions to everything, and if you are one of the rare sex gods that have no idea what I am talking about, then this article may not be for you. Besides you are probably busy ... having sex! But, for the rest of us mortals, read on.

The Key to Staying Connected

Sex/Intimacy is essential in keeping couples connected, yet it is easy to lose touch in this area (pardon the pun). Have you ever noticed that if you're not having sex with your partner, they may irritate you more than usual? Little things they do may start to grate on your nerves, and you may find that you are impatient with each other.

If you are having sex regularly, those things may not seem to matter as much. This is fascinating to me and proves how important the physical connection is.

Tips to Stay Connected and Have More Sex

Here are some thoughts on how to stay connected with your significant other physically, and therefore maintain a stronger emotionally connection:

  1. Schedule time to connect: I share specifics about this in the book Kick Ass and Have a Life. This may sound simple, but it's not!

  2. Start with a time to touch without having sex.

  3. A massage is an excellent way to reconnect. You can purchase your own massage table and give each other a massage. This is a great way to connect without any pressure to have sex.

  4. Connect by touching in simple ways throughout the day: A simple kiss, hug, or holding hands. Physical touch is powerful, especially now with the world we live in. So many of us are feeling isolated and lonely.

  5. Have sex even if you are not in the mood: Just like exercise, you may not really be up to it, but once you start, you will begin to feel better and hopefully be glad you did!

  6. The more the merrier: once you have revived your sexual energy, build on it and have as much as you can. The more you do it, the more you want to!

  7. Try new things to keep the sex alive: Role-playing, new positions, etc.

  8. If sex is not possible for physical reasons, intimacy is even more important. Stay connected with physical touch and communication.

In the Sex Toolbox, you will learn how to implement specific tools to change your belief about sex and intimacy.

Stay tuned,

Paula Marie

Paula Marie is a published author, blogger, successful realtor, and speaker. Paula's mission is to provide powerful tools for managing work/life balance and creating techniques for extraordinary personal growth and development!

Paula Marie

Paula Marie is a published author, blogger, successful realtor, and speaker. Paula's mission is to provide powerful tools for managing work/life balance and creating techniques for extraordinary personal growth and development!

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